Wednesday, 14 May 2008

How to make fire ball. Easy to do!

One day, I searched for new interested trick and video into many sites. In Meta cafe site. I met the trick How to make fire ball. Have you ever seen fire ball? It is a ball that magician used to show floating fire ball trick.(You can do many thing not only a magic) It's very beautiful trick. In that video, describe to prepare equipments ready to use. Teach how to make and use them.

Are you ready to do? Please prepare those equipments below first :p
-- 100% cotton cloth
-- Scissors
-- Lighter Fuel
-- cotton string and needle

How to make :p

-- Cut out the cloth to be a strip of cloth. The size depends on you want just enough
-- roll it into the ball
-- Use a cotton string and needle to sew it. Poke and roll a string around the ball and end up the string.
-- Repeat it again if you want more.
-- Soak the ball by the lighter fuel
-- Do not over fill it bacause it will get on your hand. when you burn it. It will be light up also on your hand
-- Have Fun
-- Look vdo below :p

Illusion Magic Trick
The power of magic is on your hands.